Saturday 19 November 2011

Day 60

Thursday was a beautiful sunny day and Heather and I decided to spend it working outside.  We built a small raised garden box, filled it with soil and compost and planted six kinds of lettuce.

Then we planted watermelons and honey dew melons in low hills on the ground.  The black plastic helps to hold the moisture since the soil here is so rocky.

We added more zucchini plants to the zucchini bed and Heather bought more dill for the herb garden since the other dill didn't make it.  She also planted marigolds in all the garden boxes to help keep the bugs away.  Mike loves rhubarb and Nicky gave us one of her plants so we planted that in the corner of the garden.  The potatoes are growing like crazy and were too crowded so I dug up most of them and spread them out to give them more room to grow.

In the afternoon we cleaned out the hutch in the turkey enclosure in preparation for the baby turkeys that we expect to hatch this week.

Bexley and Brighton are still housed in the chicken run and the pen attached to it.  Bexley decided to take a walk in the yard and flew over the gate in the pen.  When we got her back into the pen, Brighton was sitting on all nine of the little turkeys and had no intention of giving them up.  After alot of pecking and squawking we finally got them separated, one in the pen and one in the run.  Then we had to try and figure out which babies belonged to which mother.  That was hopeless since they all look the same and they hatched only a day apart so size was not a factor.  So we just snatched up three for Bexley and gave the other six to Brighton and everyone seemed happy with that.  After that we called it a day and I was sunburned!!

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