Saturday 29 August 2015

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Nothing exciting going on here.  Still gathering brush and filling the pits for maybe one more fire.  Spent several afternoons weeding the garden beds and around some of the perimeter trees that were planted last year (pictures will be posted at a later date).  Weather has been cold and rainy with lots of wind out of the south.

So here are a few pictures, mostly to update Terry, of things he worked on last year.

This is the last fire we had.  The pit was the first one that Terry dug last year, on the north side of the property. 

Willie and Annmarie, neighbors from across the road, came over to have the obligatory Kiwi drink with Mike, and to watch the fire.  I think they were sipping whiskey.

Last year Terry and I spent several days splitting and stacking wood on the north side of the garden area.  We did not get it all split, maybe half, but Mike finished it off and here it is waiting to go into the wood shed.

But, as you can see, the wood shed is full, with more waiting to be stacked.

And here is another pile of logs waiting to be cut and split.  And there is another pile behind the garden that I did not get a picture of.  So needless to say, there is plenty of firewood!

Heather has completed the baby blanket, really a floor covering, she was working on last year.  It is unique!

Each 'bubble' is knitted separately. . . 

and then they are all stitched together by hand.  There are about 275 bubbles.

Heather collects different editions of "Lord of the Rings" as well as many
science fiction and fantasy authors.  Mike built her a bookcase for her collection that covers one entire wall of the living room.  But, she is running out of space!!

The boxes at the bottom and the left have more books in them.

Here are a pair of Paradise Shelducks that visit the property on occasion.  

We have a herd of cattle in the paddock behind the Wee Mansion and across the road are sheep and lambs, goats, and alpacas.  Don't have pictures of those yet, but will get some and post them, along withe the perimeter trees,  when the weather gets drier.

Sunsets have been nice but not spectacular.  In this picture, facing east, what looks like a mountain between the trees is actually a bank of storm clouds.   When the clouds are not there, we do get a peek of snowy mountain tops.

And turning immediately to the west, is the moon rising.

Until next time . . .

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