On Saturday morning, Mike was taking the tractor across the road to Sean's house to help him move some brush. Heather decided to tag along!
They had only been gone a few minutes when Mike called to tell me there were four baby goats born just the night before. I walked over and this is what I found!
The other mother goat had a swollen teat and Sean had taken it to a different pen to try to clear the blockage. So Heather was comforting her "kids".
When I got back home, I found that one cat sleeping on my bed had become two cats sleeping on my bed!
Saturday afternoon, Mike took down three trees at the end of the driveway to clear that area for the white birches we were going to plant on Sunday.
And then he dug the ten holes to plant the trees. Sunday morning, Heather and Mike planted all ten trees and I took the pictures!
The weather has turned cold again. But when it warms up, we'll be planting spring flowering bulbs around the base of the trees.
That's it for now.
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